Hello there Bond fans it's been awhile since i've posted here and even tho i've had an idea of what my return post should be i never thought it would be this little known film so here is my review of the George Lazenby Biopic Becoming Bond.
The plot of this film is The stranger-than-fiction true story of George Lazenby a poor Australian car mechanic who through an unbelievable set of circumstances landed the role of James Bond in On Her Majesty's Secret Service despite having never acted a day in his life. I have to admit that the story for this film was really interesting since his story hasn't really been told we of course know all about how he got the role of Bond but we never knew about his childhood or his time in London but i will say that the film is for my taste a bit to fast.
Now this biopic does something that other films of this kind don't do and that's have the person there telling the story about star in the film so apart from George Lazenby we have Kassandra Clementi , Jane Seymour , Jeff Garlin , Josh Lawson, Dana Carvey , Jake Johnson and Adamo Palladino. For me the casting is very mixed some people like Kassandra , Jane, Josh , Jeff and Dana do a great job but then there's Adamo who isn't that good in this movie he's not bad per-say but when you compare him to the rest of the cast he doesn't come of that good.
Now as a bond fan the thing about this film that really irked me was the fact that they didn't show Maurice Binder who shot all of the gun barrel sequences here his part is given to Adamo who plays the director Peter Hunt if your going to tell this story then you have to get all of the little things down and that includes the people behind the camera as well as the ones infront of it.
Now i don't know if everything that's in this movie is true or not but the way that this film portrays both Peter and Harry to me seems really out of character in the film Harry is a guy who gets angry alot and swears alot and based on the Everything Or Nothing film that doesn't seem like him at all the same is also said for Peter Hunt who here is portrayed as someone who has anger issues.
This film does have some funny scenes in them not lot but a few and they serve to cement the fact that George was a bit of arrogant person and he was a bit of lad basically and i really loved those scenes because that's a side to him that i personally never knew about so i'm glad that the film took the time to actually showcase those moments and i will say a few of the things that George has mentioned on previous commentary's are in this movie and yes they are pretty awesome.
As mentioned ex bond girl Jane Seymour is in this movie but she's not the only bond girl to make an appearance as Diana Rigg also shows up but i think she appears in archive footage plus there are many nods to Bond in the form of the chapter names i won't give them as some of them are quite rude but if you get a chance to view this movie then should just for those names.
I have to say that George actually looks pretty good for his age which considering he's 77 years old and is still basically a big kid is not much of a surprise really i just wished that he didn't appear in this film as much as he did that way you could have it be a true biopic and not just one person talking over a bunch of scenes.
Overall i'd say that if your die hard fan of on her majesty's secret service and if your a fan of his bond then this is the film for you but if your not a fan of either then you can happily avoid it for me tho i kinda agree with the IMDB rating and give this movie an 8.5 out of 10
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