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Some Of My Picks To Replace Danny Boyle As James Bond 25 Director

Ok Bond fans alot of us got bad news yesterday Danny is a talented director and if you havn't seen any of his movies then I recommend you go and check one out but now we get to have some fun and speculate on who the director of the next James Bond film will end up being and please note that some of these choices are just for fun and I'm not always going to name the most obvious choices either.

Sam Mendes

I know that Spectre divided alot of people in the fanbase however there is no denying the fact that this guy had mad talent if you want prove of that go and check out Skyfall however out of all the people featured in this post this is the one least likely to happen just because I think Sam would want a break from the franchise and that's fair enough.

Taika Waititi

Now when I was putting this post together in my head I never thought of this guy but then as I was writing up about Sam Mendes I thought about how great it would be if they got the guy who did the best Thor film to direct the next James Bond film and heck why not get him to do it he's a young director who's not that well known so you can get him for cheap and plus you'd get a great film out of it.

Andrea Arnold

I've seen one of the films made by this director called Fish Tank so I know that she can make a good film plus she would be the first female director of a James Bond film which means your film would be getting free publicity but the flip side to that is she would be the first director of a James Bond film and that means you would get comments from people saying something like "James Bond shouldn't have a female director blah blah blah".

Rachel Talalay

I bet alot of you are wondering who she is and I don't blame you the only major film she's made is the dreadful Freddy's Dead: the Final Nightmare however she has also directed some of the best episodes of Doctor Who in recent history so I think she has improved so why not give her the keys to the next entry.

Ken Loach

I have to say that if your not a fan of British cinema then you won't know who this guy is so you'll just have to trust me when I say he's a British directing legend his most recent film I, Daniel Blake has a 93% on RT so imagine if he put that kind of skill and passion to a James Bond film we'd be looking at easily the best Bond film ever made.

James Gunn

Come on guys how could you not hire this guy and yes I know about THOSE tweets but he has apologized for those and has clearly become a better human being and since Disney aren't going to take him back despite taking back a well known sexual predator in John Lasseter then EON could very easily swoop in and hire James Gunn and heck that might even persuade Dave Bautista to return as well.

Robert Rodriguez

If EON were to hire this guy then they would basically be hiring the whole crew since he does most of the jobs himself i'll admit that his films can be a little bit out there and he's perhaps not the most obvious choice to direct a James Bond film but when this guy is on his a game he really knocks it out the park.


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