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My Personal Top 10 James Bond Title Songs

James Bond fans i'll straight up admit that I didn't want to review another James Bond movie so soon after reviewing two movies in a row. At the same time tho I didn't want to leave you guys without anything and so I spent a few minuets racking my brain on what I could do and I came up with something wholly original i'm going to list my personal top 10 James Bond title songs the key word there being personal so if your favourite songs isn't placed where you want it to be then just look back at that word and the same goes for if your favourite song isn't even featured and i'm not including the theme to Dr. NO because that's the iconic James Bond theme so of course it would be number one so here we freaking go.

10) A View To A Kill (Duran Duran)

I'll straight up admit that I haven't seen A View To A Kill in a huge while but the song plays all the time on the radio so i've heard this song alot. To me this is a really solid song it really does get you in the mood to watch the movie but the reason why it's so low down on this list is because I don't really like Duran Duran that much and all of their stuff just sounds the same to me and for a Bond song that's not really a good thing.

9) From Russia With Love (Matt Munro)

Now this was technically the first James Bond title song since Dr. No had the now iconic James Bond theme altho the actual first bond film to have a title track play at the front of the movie will be making an appearance later in this post. Altho I do like this song it's low down just due to how forgettable it is it's not a bad song by any means but by the time it's over chances are you've forgotten every single word.

8) Moonraker (Shirley Bassey)

It kills my to put a Shirley Bassey song this low down even more so because I don't actually mind Moonraker it's not a good film by any stretch of the imagination but it's also a fun movie. The song on the other hand is just bad it's easily the worst Shirley Bassey James Bond theme just everything about this song is bad the music is clearly not as good as say Diamonds Are Forever and the lyrics don't even make any kind of sense honestly it this high up just because I like the movie if the movie wasn't pure fun it would be at number 10.

7) Thunderball (Tom Jones)

The film Thunderball is boring as all hell apart from Fiona that is she is a freaking delight in the whole movie. The same however cannot be said for the title song which I actually like heck I dare even say it that it's the second best thing in the whole movie and given that this movie only has two good things and i've mentioned both of them you can very easily see why this song is up here plus the fact that Tom held that final note for a long time is so impressive.

6) You Only Live Twice (Nancy Sinatra)

For me this song does start of really well but because the opening of it is so gorgeous that the rest of ti just fails in comparison. I honestly feel that the song peaked early with that opening and while the song is wonderfully written and sung but it's the music that let's this one down and it's not often that I say that the music lets a a song down but in this case it really does Jon Barry should have re-recorded the music just to fit Nancy's voice.

5) Live and Let Die (The Wings aka Paul McCartney and The Wings)

Now just to be clear it's only the Paul McCartney version of the song that i don't like and it's not due to the quality of the song it's because it really doesn't mesh with Paul's vocals or anything like that. There is a good version of the song out there tho and it's by Guns N Roses and that's why this song is here because there's a version of the song that's as kicka*s as the song deserves to be and the song really does suit them better then it does Paul.

4) The World Is Not Enough (Garbage)

I had a tough choice to make for this spot it was either this song or "You Know My Name" and I honestly love both songs but the reason why this song won out is because I could honestly see myself listening to this song more then I could the other one. Also helping matters is the fact that the song is really well sung sung and well written but what keeps it from being number one is because it doesn't feel like a James Bond song but that's also a huge positive.

3) Skyfall (Adele)

Now I know alot of you are getting your pitchforks ready because this is such a beloved song and it's in such a beloved film but I do have a reason for putting at number three. It's a really good song and it suits not only the film but also the franchise really well but in my opinion there are two songs which are better and the reason why I have nothing bad to say about this song is because it is honestly really good.

 2) Goldfinger (Shirley Bassey)

As with number four i've had a really difficult choice to make because the choice for numbers one and two was such a hard choice to make. You guys know me i'm huge fan of Goldfinger in my opinion it is miles better then Skyfall and it is the essential James Bond film and the same thing is true for this song I freaking love it in fact I love it so much that everytime it comes on the radio I sing along to it quite loudly infact.

1) Nobody Does It Better (The Spy Who Loved Me Theme By Carly Simon)

This was one of the hardest choices i've ever had to make because I love both songs and both films so much that at one point I actually considered just putting them both at number one but I didn't because I wanted a challenge. Everything I said about Goldfinger is true for this song as well and yes that includes the part about me singing aloud but to me what sets this song apart from all the others is that it's someone singing about Bond himself and not someone talking about the villains and that to me is really interesting.


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