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My Thoughts On The No Time To Die Trailer

Bond fans the day that alot of us have been waiting for as finally happened at 1:25 (UK Time)this afternoon all of the James Bond social media channels posted the No Time To Die trailer. However I didn't get the memo that it was going to drop at a certain time and so I spent no joke all morning and some of the afternoon refreshing the James Bond twitter account must waiting for it to drop and well it has and i've gone through the trouble of collecting and editing A LOT of images to put this post together so here we go with my thoughts on the No Time To Die trailer.

As with anything let us start at the start of the trailer I have no idea where this was filmed but from this opening shot it looks really nice and possibly somewhere that us fans would want to visit. However judging by the winding roads this looks like it was filmed in Italy but there's a very good chance that I could be wrong with that assumption since i've heard that the film filmed scenes in Jamaica.

Just based of the trailer I got the impression that alot of the early scenes that we see in the trailer are forming the pre-title sequence. If that is the case then they already ruin how that sequence ends which I don't think that they should do people always look forward to the pre-title sequence and so I think they should have kept how that sequence ends a secret which in all fairness they very well might have done.

It's during these early scenes in the trailer that we get a possible hint of a plot line with bond suggesting that Madeleine perhaps betrayed Bond. This is interesting because not alot of people liked their romance in SPECTRE I myself being one of them and this kind of feels like they were cause correcting here by possibly making her out to be some sort of bad guy even if it is in just this one sequence.

I will also like to point out that that was just speculation since there scenes later on in the trailer which show her being remorseful. However tho I can't help but think of how awesome it would be if this was the case since it would now force us to go back and re-watch SPECTRE and look for any clues that might be in the film and it would make her a slightly interesting character which is always a good thing.

Now I couldn't put this post together and not talk about the fact that there's a female 00 agent because for some reason the fact that a female is now holding the 007 title drove people mad. To that I have to wonder did they read the books because there have been other 007's in the past so it makes sense that MI6 would pass on the title to someone else and to be honest just base of the few scenes we have here it comes across as if the character is perhaps playing with the MI6 crew to gain their trust and then turn on them but this is just a theory.

Ok first of both women in this picture are looking fine as all hell I just have to get that out of the way right now. Second of I just love the shot of all three of them together it just looks so freaking cool it's almost like something you'd see in a superhero movie. There's a line in here which makes me wonder if this scene is near the end of the film because Moneypenny says to I think Bond "I knew you two would get along" which seems like a weird thing to say near the start of the film but would make a decent joke near the end of the film.

It also makes me wonder where this scenes takes place because if i'm right we haven't seen that much of the MI6 offices. So it very well could mean that we're going to be seeing alot of where Bond works which is always a good thing in my opinion just because it opens the door for more easter eggs which are always fun to spot and for some jokes which is something we need after sitting through SPECTRE.

I want it known that i've edited this picture just because I wasn't sure if the actor was officially announced or not and so I thought better safe then sorry. So yeah ******* is back and it appears that since this person's last appearance they've been captured and so it makes me wonder how big of a role this person is going to play in this film but it's always nice to see a villain returning from a previous entry.

Speaking of returning characters Felix is back and once again played by Jeffrey Wright  making him one of two actors to play the role of Felix Leiter more then once and the only actor to play him three times. From what this trailer shows us he's just going to have the same role that he's always had in that he's not going to do much but just offer Bond support in the climax and that's really which if that is the case then why bring Jeffrey back why not just recast the role but only time will tell if that's the case or not.

Either way it's great to see this character since if done right he could add a more human side to Bond which is always nice to see. However we only see him in one scene in the trailer so once again i'm forced to wonder how much of the actual film he's in or if his appearance basically amounts to that of a cameo appearance in which case they spoiled that surprise months ago either way tho it's great to have this character back.

Now I think i've found a reference to The Living Daylights because in the trailer for this film we see who I assume is Bond getting out of a car and to me the car looks like the Aston Martin V8 Vantage that he drove in that film. Sadly tho this is the only image of the car in the whole trailer so there's not really much to go on but if it is then that's a pretty obscure reference sine not alot of people like or even know of the Timothy Dalton films and after a quick search on Wikipedia I found out that this is indeed the car from The Living Daylights.

The thing that the James Bond pre-title scenes are known for is for having a great stunt at the end of it. Judging from the trailer this one looks to be no different and if i'm being honest when this stunt appeared in the trailer I got some very big Goldeneye vibes from it just because it reminded me so much of Bond leaping of the dam at the start of the film and since alot of people love that stunt it's safe to say that giving me those kinds of vibes is a good thing in this case.

Now i'm sorry if the image with the flip is a little blurry but that was as close as I could get it since it's only a very quick shot in the trailer and i'm, screen capping every image I could. I'm just going to come right out and say it Ana de Armas is fine as all hell I don't know what it is about this film but all of the women in it so far are fine as hell of course I have no idea what their characters will be alike well at least in terms of the new characters anyways and yes you are allowed to admit that you think that a woman looks sexy that's just for all the SJW's and woke people out their.

This is the first James Bond film to be distributed by Universal under the new deal with producers over at MGM. Honestly with Universal now distributing the movie I believe worldwide but i'm not exactly sure on that it should be interesting to see how they choose to market the film as well as what they'll do with the franchise moving forward since Sony was very hands of when it came to doing other things with the franchise Universal on the other hand are known for turning as many films as they can into theme park attractions so maybe they'll take a different approach then what Sony did or maybe they'll do exactly what Sony did and just release the films.

What is there to say about these shots there just so freaking cool and honestly it's a great way to end the trailer. I don't think Bond has ever used the machine guns in the DB5 before altho I think he might have done in Skyfall but either way it's great to see them in action here and when this scene appeared in the trailer I freaking lost it just because it was so freaking cool and bare in mind I was already and the verge of loosing it because of how good this trailer was anyways.

There was only way I could end this post and that's with this cool looking shot from the very end of the trailer. I think it's really cool that they found a way to work in the gun barrel that starts every James Bond film into the actual film it just looks so freaking cool and I can't believe that it's taken us this long to get the actual gun-barrel into the film I just hope that it doesn't replace the actual gun-barrel sequence at the start of the film.

So there we go Bond fans those are my thoughts on the No Time To Die trailer and as you could no doubt tell I was super freaking excited. This was also a huge pain to get the images for because as I said I had to screencap every single image and that meant I had to edit every single image which isn't that fun at all I think I had around twenty five images all saved on my laptop and not even half of them made it into the actual post but better to be safe then sorry now if only April 2nd come come sooner.



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