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No Time To Die Film SPOILER FILLED!!!!!!!!!! Film Review


James Bond fans the day that we have all been waiting for is now finally here because No Time To Die the newest James Bond film has finally been released in cinemas all over the UK. As such you just knew that I was going to watch and then thus review this film the very first chance that I got and well here is my SPOILER FILLE review of the final Daniel Craig James Bond film with the film in question being called simply just "No Time To Die" enjoy.

The plot of this film is five years after the events of the previous film James Bond is now living a peaceful life up in Jamaica but when a bioweapon goes missing from MI6 it's up to James Bond to find out who took and for what reason and put a stop to there crimes / scheme before it's far to freaking late. Now then in terms of what I personally thought / felt about the plot of this film in all honesty I in all honesty thought that the plot of this film was at best OK but that's sadly all that I can say about this films plot without going into spoilers tho.

Starring as the MI6 regulars for / in this film are co-producer Daniel Craig as James Bond and Jeffrey Wright as Felix Leiter. Also starring as the MI6 regulars for / in this film are Ben Whishaw as Q , Naomie Harris as Eve Moneypenny , Ralph Fiennes as M and Rory Kinnear as Bill Tanner. Now as for what I personally thought / felt about the acting from the main MI6 regulars cast in all honesty I in all honesty thought / felt that all of the main MI6 regulars cast did a really good with portraying their respective characters in my opinion anyways / at least.

Starring in the guest for this film we have Rami Malek as Lyutsifer Safin and Léa Seydoux as Madeleine Swann. Also in the guest for this film we have Lashana Lynch as Nomi , Christoph Waltz as Ernst Stavro Blofeld , Billy Magnussen as Logan Ash , Ana De Armas as Paloma , David Dencik as Valdo Obruchev , Dali Benssalah as Primo and Lisa-Dorah Sonnet as Mathilde. Now then as for what I personally thought / felt about the acting from the guest cast in all I all honesty thought / felt that the acting from the guest cast in this film was really good which shouldn't really come as a surprise as alot of the guest cast actors and actresses that are appearing in / starring in this very film are indeed some very good actors and actresses indeed in my opinion anyways / at least.


Now then this film is actually making James Bond film history as this film has the exact same bond girl from the previous film and has that exact same bond girl being played by the exact same actress. However that means that if you didn't like Madeleine Swann in the previous James Bond film which was / is called SPECTRE then chances are that your not going to like her here in this film as well since they add nothing to this character which makes an already fairly boring character seem even more dull and boring in my opinion anyways / at least.

So now then alot was made about Lashana Lynch and how her character of Nomi was going to be full blown replacing James Bond. First of the literal only reason that Nomi is 007 in this film is because James Bond retired at the end of the last film and secondly Nomi is only taking the 007 code number she is not taking the name James Bond and so it was pointless for none James Bond fans to get upset about this since all you had to do was to do some basic amount of thinking and use some actual logic in my opinion anyways / at least. 

So then out of all of the James Bond films to reference this film instead chooses to make quite a few references to On Her Majesty's Secret Service. They do this by having an instrumental version of the song We Have All The Time In The World play near the start of this very film and then at the end of this very film they play the pull version none instrumental version of We Have All The Time In The World which is just weird since there are better James Bond films that you can reference and yet the makers of this film chose to reference one of the most darker James Bond films in my freaking opinion anyways / at least.

This film has been pushed back and pushed back so many freaking times that I will very freaking fully admit that I lost all of the hype that I had for this film. Now then of course this was of no fault of the makers of this film since we are still in the middle of a pandemic after all however in this case I do feel that at the very least some more trailers should have been made since by the time that the films second trailer was being released / put out alot of people myself included were hyped as all heck to see this and by releasing at the very one or even two more full length trailers they would have gone a very long way into making people hyped up for this film again in my opinion anyways / at least.

Doing the production design for this film is Mark Tildesley and I will very fully freaking admit that apart from 28 Days Later i've not seen anything that this guy has worked on. Which judging by this film that might be a good thing because of the fact that I was not impressed with the sets that production designer Mark Tildesley created for this film since every single set in this film just felt flat and very uninteresting for /  to me personally in my personal opinion anyways / at least.

Now then the pre-title sequence for this film including the opening film logos / titles runs for well over twenty freaking minuets. With the first seven minuets being a pointless flashback scene with a young Madeleine Swan and her mother having a confrontation with a very freaking young Lyutsifer Safin. That whole flashback sequence just simply wasn't needed especially since they cover it again later on in the film and heck the whole pre-title sequence and the pacing of the entire pre-title sequence for this film just felt off for some unknown possibly even dumb reason in my freaking opinion anyways / at least.

So then the title song for this film is called of course "No Time To Die" and is sung by singer Billie Eilish and well if you like Billie Eilish then you'll like this song. However tho if your like me and you don't even listen to Billie Eilish then chances are that this is the first song of hers that you've listened to and well let's just say that this isn't a good first impression since yeah this song isn't that good at all and it's not the kind of song that you would expect or even want to be the theme song to a James Bond film let alone the final James Bond film for one of your most popular actors in my freaking opinion anyways / at least.

So then of course doing the opening titles for this film is the great Daniel Kleinman and I have to say that I really did enjoy this films opening titles. The start of this films opening titles echoed Dr. No which I thought was a very bold move to make since not alot of people know of Dr. No and so to start of your current films opening titles in a very similar way to how the first films opening titles was what I thought to be a very bold and strange move indeed in my opinion anyways / at least.

Now then when it's a final film for the actor playing James Bond that actor nine will never have the character be killed of at the end of there respective final ever James Bond film. However this film does exactly that which is something that I have huge problem with since it now makes recasting the role of James Bond even more impossible then what it already is because now you have to explain how in the heck the character survived the ending of this film so the makers of this film have just written themselves into a hole which is impossible to get out of without giving some form of credence to the terrible and to the dreadful "James Bond Is Just A Codename Theory" in my freaking opinion anyways / at least.

So now then this fil has / had a grand total running time of exactly two hours and thirty eight minuets and thirty four seconds and well in all i honesty I in all honesty think / feel that this film really didn't need to be that long at all. Heck you could have cut out the opening flashback sequence with Madeleine Swan and Lyutsifer Safin and nothing of importance would have been lost because the same information gets covered later in the film anyways and so that sequence is something that could have been lost and you could have very easily have trimmed down alot of the stuff from the rest of pre-title sequence as well and once again nothing of importance would have been lost since the pre-title sequence for a James Bond film is just meant to be a bit of fun and nothing more then that in my opinion anyways / at least.


Now then boys and girls and as well as ladies and gentlemen this film is an action film after all and that means that I have to actually talk about the actual action that's actually featured / presented to us in this very film and well in my opinion anyways / at least the actual action that's actually featured / presented to us in this very film was really good. Sadly I cannot give away much of the action because alot of spoiler things does happen in this films action sequences but let's just say that the action that's in this film is really good an that they do some pretty cool camera movements in the films act which I thought was really great in my freaking opinion anyways / at least.

Overall thank the gods that we finally have some new James Bond content to digest and to talk about for the next couple of years because even tho this film had alot of moments which are writing the makers of the next film into a huge freaking big hole in the grand scheme of things this was still a very / fairly enjoyable film that yes I will be adding to either my DVD to my blu-ray collection whenever this film becomes available on either one of those formats. Now i've talked about all of the good and as well as all of the bad things that are in this very film in this very review and as such that means that this film earns itself a a grand old score of exactly an 8 out of 10 from me.

Now then as for where I personally got all of the images that I personally used in this very review well then boys and girls and as well as ladies and gentlemen I personally got all of the images that I personally used in this very review from the official James Bond fandom wiki page , Wikipedia and Google Images. With my personal favourite website to use to get the images that I used in this very review being the official James Bond fandom wiki page just simply due to the fact that pretty much all of the images that are featured / presented to us and are currently up and also on the official James Bond fandom wiki page are all fairly high quality and as well as being fairly high definition and boys and girls just like James Bond I will return.


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