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Some Of My Personal Favourite Official James Bond Films


Ladies and gentlemen the James Bond film franchise is now on it's twenty fifth film and as such I thought that now was the exact right time to tell you all what some of my personal favourite James Bond films are. To make things easier on myself this "list" is being presented in any order and i'm only counting the official James bond films which are as made by EON Productions and so let's get it on shall we then enjoy.


Now then to start us of we have the third film in the Daniel Craig era of James Bond films and it's the one film that many consider to be better then Goldfinger. Now then while this film is indeed a good film I personally wouldn't go as far to say that it's better then Goldfinger simply because Goldfinger revolutionised the James Bond film franchise and that's something that this film simply just doesn't do in my freaking opinions anyways / at least.

So now then this film is perhaps one of if not the best James bond film in the Daniel Craig era of James Bond films. Since this film is more of a character study of whom James Bond is as a person which is in all honesty a rather unique and interesting idea since it gives us a chance to peel away some of the layers that have been surrounding this character for nearly sixty years at this point in my freaking opinions anyways / at least.


Now then this film is the first and only film to star George Lazenby in the lead role of James Bond and well for his first and only James Bond film this film isn't that bad. The issue is tho that George Lazenby just isn't that good of an actor in this film which is rather understandable since he wasn't a trained actor by the time that he got cast in this film however tho sticking him with Dame Diana Rigg was a stroke of pure genius in my freaking opinions anyways / at least.

So now then this film is perhaps the most dark James bond film of the classic James Bond film era just because it features James Bond as we've never seen him before and that's vulnerable. Never had we until this point see James Bond in such a vulnerable state and that really does help make this film very freaking memorable and James Bond feel alot more freaking human and realistic in my freaking opinions anyways / at least.


Now then both this film and the next film that i'm about to talk about are just your stereotypical James Bond films and nothing more then that but in this case thats a bad thing. Since both of the films that i'm going to talk about give you exactly what you'd expect from a James Bond film and they both have a really good time in doing so and this makes both of these films very freaking enjoyable to watch in my  freaking opinions anyways / at least.

So now then this films is just a pure fun James Bond film to watch and it's also one of the many James Bond films that I grew up watching and on top of that this film was one of if not the first James bond film that I ever watched. As such i'm always going to a little biased towards this film since I do in all honesty think / feel that this film is really that much of a freaking fun James Bond film to watch in my freaking opinions anyways / at least.


Now then we take one of two tips to the Roger Moore era of James Bond films with the only James Bond film ever to be set in space. Even tho yes this film did start the craze of making each following James Bond film more campy and over the tope then the one that came before it that doesn't make this film any less fun to watch and it is fun just seeing exactly how campy and over the top that this film can get in it's third act in my freaking opinions anyways / at least.

So now then I wouldn't even dream of pretending that this film is perfect because it's not but you don't need to be a perfect film to be a fun and an enjoyable film. Heck just being fun and enjoyable is more then enough to entertain people and that is the case with both this film and with Tomorrow Never Dies as well and both of those two films are very freaking memorable because of that fact in my freaking opinions anyways / at least.


Now then this is the film that saved the James Bond film franchise since at this point in time the James bond film franchise simply just wasn't that making much money at the box office and so this film really needed to be a hit and thankfully it was. Which just goes to show you how good of a film that this particular Sir Roger Moore James Bond really freaking was in my personal freaking opinions anyways / at least.

So now then what makes this film as good as it was / is is the fact that it actually changes the character of James Bond to fit lead actor Sir Roger Moore. Since up until this point in time James Bond has been featured / presented to us as someone whom is a bit of a thug since he would rather beat the information out of you which just can't work all of the time where as this new version of James Bond seduces you so you give up the correct information willingly and guess that works 100% of the time in my freaking opinions anyways / at least.


Now then this film right here is what I personally consider to be the greatest ever James Bond film ever made. This is simply because of the fact that not only does this film have a genuinely great storyline to it but it also introduces elements of the James Bind film franchise that we now take for granted but that's the greatest thing about being a James Bond fan because you can get twenty five different James Bond into a room and ask them which James Bond film is there personal favourite James Bond and you'd get twenty five different answers in my personal freaking opinions anyways / at least.

So now then incase I havn't made it clear enough for you all at this point I really do love Goldfinger so much so that i've seen it more times then I care to count. As such I can very easily quote the film while i'm currently watching the film and it's a film that I also very much look forward to watching because of the fact that I know that i'm in for a good time and that is always the sign of a very good freaking film in my freaking opinions anyways / at least.


Now then this is a very freaking last minuet entry to this post but i will say that this film is like Moonraker and Tomorrow Never Dies in that this film is just pure fun to watch and is just your stereotypical James Bond film. Which in all honesty makes this film a very freaking easy film to watch because it doesn't require to think that much about what's actually going on and that also makes this film a very freaking fun film to watch as well in my freaking opinions anyways / at least.

So now then this film was the first of two official final films for then James Bond film franchise star Sir Sean Connery and well this is easily his best final film. Since Diamonds Are Forever is good but not as good as it perhaps could or even perhaps should have been and plus this is the first film to feature James Bond arch nemesis Ernst Stavro Blofeld now being fully freaking revealed and that in all honesty really freaking does make this film a must watch for me personally in my freaking opinions anyways / at least. 

Now then as for where I personally got all of the images that I personally used in this very post well then boys and girls and as well as ladies and gentlemen I personally got all of the images that I personally used in this very post from the official James Bond fandom wiki page and also from Google Images. With my personal favourite website to use to get the images that I used in this very review being the official James Bond fandom wiki page just simply due to the fact that pretty much all of the images that are featured / presented to us and are currently up and also on the official James Bond fandom wiki page are all fairly high quality and as well as being fairly high definition and boys and girls just like James Bond I will return.


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