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Showing posts from November, 2023

My First Impressions Of 007: Road To A Million

  There have been tons of James Bond films and dozens of James Bond video games yet there has been one corner of entertainment that the James Bond franchise is yet to conquer. That being the world of TV yes there was the James Bond Jr. animated series but as that never really lasted long and wasn't an official production it's not really worth counting well now there is an official James Bond themed TV show out and well you all just knew that I had to check out this show really the very first chance that I got and so then join me as I give you my first impressions of the show that really doesn't use the James Bond licence very well with the show in question being called simply just "007: Road To A Million" enjoy. The idea behind this show is that nine couples have to compete in several chances for a chance to earn there fair share of nine million pounds. Now then interms of what I personally thought / felt about the actual idea that's actually featured / presen...