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Tomorrow Never Dies Film Review


For every James Bond film that we all love because it's plot and story there are always several more that don't have a good plot and story but are still just dumb fun to watch none the less.With the film that i'm about to review for you all today being one such a film as this film along with Octopussy and really maybe a few others is really just a pure dumb fun James Bond film and so then join me as I review the film that is really nothing more then just pure fun to watch with the film in question being called simply just "Tomorrow Never Dies" enjoy.

The plot of the film is James Bond is tasked with stopping a power mad media-mogul from using the news to start World War 3.  Now then inters of what I personally thought / felt about the actual plot that's actually featured  presented to us in this very film well then in all honesty I in all honesty personally thought / felt that the actual plot that's actually featured / presented to us in this very film was in all honesty not that bad with this films plot being dumb but enjoyably dumb as you can very easily just turn your brain off and enjoy this films plot for exactly what it is and while having a dumb plot might be an issue in other James Bond films like Skyfall for instance here in this film having a dumb plot oddly works in it's favor with this films plot also being really rather engaging and also being really engaging as well in my freaking opinions anyways / at least.

Of course starring in this film is Pierce Brosnan as James Bond , Dame Judi Dench as M and Desmond Llewelyn as Q. Also starring in this film is Samantha Bond as Miss Moneypenny and Colin Salmon as Charles Robinson. Now then interms f what I personally thought / felt about the actual acting that's actually featured / presented to us in this very film well then in al honesty I in all honesty personally thought / felt hat the actual acting that's actually featured / presented to us in this very film was in all honesty not that bad with all of the main MI6 regulars doing there usual shtick and nothing more then that and turning in a bunch of really good performances with alot of them now being alot more comfortable in their roles with this really being the case for Pierce Brosnan who is so much more comfortable in his role then he was in the previous and that is something that really does shine through in the final cut of this film.

Also starring in this film is Jonathan Pryce as Elliot Carver , Michelle Yeoh as Wai Lin and Teri Hatcher as Paris Carver. Also starring in this film is Götz Otto as Richard Stamper , Ricky Jay as Henry Gupta , Joe Don Baker as Jack Wade , Julian Fellowes as The British Minister Of Defence , Nina Young as Tamara Steel , Philip Kwok as General Chang , Terence Rigby as General Bukharin , Vincent Schiavelli as Dr. Kaufman and Geoffrey Palmer as Rear Admiral Roebuck. Now then interms of what I personally thought / felt about the actual acting that's actually featured / presented to us in this very film well then in all honesty I in all honesty personally thought / felt that the actual acting that's actually featured / presented to us in this very film was in all honest not that bad with the films cast turning in some really solid but what really does let this films acting down is the fact that this films script just isn't that good as it doesn't give this films cast a whole lot to work with interms of what it is that there respective characters personalities are even meant to be in the first place.

This films main Bond Girl of course Wai Lin who is of course played by the seriously stunning Michelle Yeoh. Who is the best example of the Bond Girl that is Bond's equal type of Bond Girl character as while yes she is indeed James Bonds equal in this film she also has plenty of flaws that help to make her a more well rounded character with her being determined to do this mission alone and yet we see how time and time again that does end her into dangerous and life threatening situations and that is something that she has to over come for the greater good of capturing this villain who is trying to start a war and when you add in the fact that both she and Bond himself have some really great banter with each other it also a really goes along way to making her really alot more likable character and a more fun to watch character as well.

This films other Bond Girl is Paris Carver who is of course played by the seriously stunning Teri Hatcher. To put it bluntly this character is a waste of a good idea as the idea of having Bond meet up with someone that he previously met on a mission is a good idea and yet because she's a new character and because the audience doesn't get to have alot of time to get to know her as a character in this film she just comes of a waste of a character like how good would it have been if we got an actual returning like say for example Natalya Simonova from Goldeneye or Pam Bouvier from Licence To Kill for example this would make there return all the more shocking and there eventual deaths not only all the more shocking but also all the more meaningful and tragic because of the fact that we've had that time to really get to know then as characters.

Out of the two characters it goes without saying that the better of the two was really quite easily Wai Lin. As that character had alot of spark to her which made her a fun character that you want to get to know alot more of where as Paris Carver who did have the makings of a great Bond Girl just wasn't given alot of time to really shine and show us what her personality is like and how fun of a character that she could be with Wei Lin you want to know more about her as she is just that fun of a character it's no wonder that they wanted to spin the character off into her own film as the character very easily could have carried an entire film just by herself and that film would have given us a chance to see more of her personality and see what her version of the MI6 regulars would be which just that in of itself does sound like a fun idea.

Doing the production design for this film is Allan Cameron and well to be blunt his set for this film just aren't that good. There not bad it's just that they don't look like that they belong in the world of a James Bond film with this films sets instead looking like that they belong in a TV show which does make sense as he did create alot of sets for TV shows but when your dealing with the James Bond films bigger is always better as James Bond lives in this big and rather outlandish world and the sets need to reflect that and they sadly don't in this film with none of this films sets really standing out as anything that's truly memorable with instead all of this films sets looking and feeling with bland which just makes the whole film look rather cheap looking when that really shouldn't be the case and this could have been fixed just by having bigger and better sets.

As for the films villain the wonderful over the top Elliot Carver who is of course played by the wonderfully over the top Jonathan Pryce. This character is so wonderfully over the top that he becomes a hugely entertaining as it's clear as day that Jonathan Pryce is clearly having a blast playing him as he gets the chance to go over the top with his performance and it's always fun seeing just how camp and how over the top can get just with his facial expressions alone and heck even his plan to start World War 3 via getting the British and Chinese to believe that the other is trying to attack them is just as wonderfully over the top as you'd want from a character like Elliot Carver as even tho he's quite clearly a Rupert Murdoch satire character it's satire that's done wonderfully well and it makes the character really fun to watch on screen.

As was stated as the very start of this review this film is like Octopussy as this film is just nothing then pure fun to watch. With this film also being the kind of James Bond film that you can have on a background noise and not really any attention to it which is something that really works for this film as this is a film that really doesn't require you to think in order for you to enjoy as all you have to do is just sit and watch the film and you'll have alot of fun with this film and it's quite clear as day that alot of this films cast are also having alot of fun in this movie as it's something that shines through in each and every single scene of this movie with this really being helped by the fact that the film really does go over the top with it's action that it's hard not to enjoy and because of that you really do kind of buy in to it.

With this also being true for Octopussy as all you have to do with that film is just sit down and watch the film and you'll have a blast watching it. With both films being nothing more then pure dumb fun which is only made possible by the actors playing James Bond at the time as you really couldn't get away with having a movie that's as over the top and as campy as Octopussy if the film starred say Daniel Craig or Sean Connery for example but because it's Roger Moore playing Bond you can get away with it as his take on James Bond was always a bit more lighthearted and bit more campy with the same thing also true for this film as well as you couldn't get away with having this film be as over the top and as fun as t is if you had say Timothy Dalton playing James Bond as his version of the character was always alot more serious whereas the version of the character played by Pierce Brosnan was always a little but more campy and over the top and so you can get away with this film being a bit more over the top and fun tom watch as well.

One of the things that really does let this film is the fact that Bond and Wai Lin share no romantic chemistry with each other. This is made just as worse when you take into account that for no reason whatsoever other then it's happened in all of the other James Bond films but this film has Bond and Wai Lin kiss at the end of the film but it doesn't work here in this film as the actors have no romantic chemistry with them instead coming of a close friends and not two people that are madly in love with each other with this really making there romance feel forced and unneeded as while yes Bond has kissed alot of the other Bond Girls in his previous films that doesn't mean they it has to happen in this film as in the other films each Bond actor has alot of romantic chemistry with whoever is playing the main Bond Girl of that film which makes there kiss at the end of the film feel more believable but here because they really haven't spent alot of time alone together it just doesn't really work as well and it comes as being really rather forced because of it.

To give this film some credit it does make the most out of it's central idea of a media mogul having gone absolutely mad with power. However on the flip side of that it would have made the film all the more fun if they showed Elliot Carver using all of his contacts to try and relocate Bond after he escaped from his hotel in Germany as this would have been perfectly in character for him to do that as at heart he is a showman who will go as over the top as he possibly can do and it would also show us the audience just how smart and just deranged this character is and it would also show us just how much power this person already as well but at the same time an idea like that might just top the film to much into the realm of being a parody of a James Bond film as it's something that really would be a bit to campy for this kind of film as well.

Doing the opening titles for this film is of course the great regular James Bond titles regular Daniel Kleinman. With his titles for this film being very creative with them being a good example of this films theme of media gone bad with the titles also being like a mini film in there own right which is something that made them alot of fun to look at and even the films titles don't tie into the films plot like alot of the other opening titles do the titles for this film were alot more visually stunning then those seen in License To Kill as this films titles feel like that they have alot of effort put into them which just wasn't true for the titles for License To Kill which just felt lazy something which cannot said for the titles for this film as we get to see everything that we expect to see in a James Bond opening titles sequence but done in more a creative manor.

This films main James Bond theme song was also called "Tomorrow Never Dies" and was sung by the songs writer Sheryl Crow. The song itself isn't that bad as it is a really good song but at the same time tho it's a song that takes a while to really grow on you with the song itself not really matching the high energy of the opening titles this is despite the song being very well written and very well sung with this not really being helped by the fact that the song doesn't feel like an opening song for a James Bond film as it instead feels like a song that would have been better of if it was played during the end credits of the film or if it was played during a scene in the film or was heard on the radio during the film with the much better theme song for this film being "No Surrender" by K.D. Lang as that is a song that better fits the opening titles for this film.

For some strange this film brings back the Jack Wade character from the previous which while it does make sense fro him to show up where he does in this film it's also a scene that's not really needed all that much. As his character adds nothing to the overall plot of the film nor does his character give us any new plot information with his character basically just being there because he was Goldeneye and that's really it ad while having recurring characters is great they also have to add something to the film and can't just be there just for the sake of being there it's the same thing with Sheriff J. W. Pepper who appeared in The Man With The Golden Gun despite it not really making any kind of sense for his character to even be in Thailand in the first place other then to remind us that he was in Live And Let Die and really nothing more then that.

Now then while I cannot for the absolutely life of me remember this films grand total running time even was I do know that for a fact that this film has /had an exact grand total running time of roughly one hour and fifty seven minuets. Which is just the right amount of running time for this film to have as the film has more then enough running time to cover that running time and yet at the exact same time tho it would have helped this film quite a bit if this film was a tad bit longer as then the film could have been able to develop the villains and both of the Bond Girls alot more then what they already in the final cut of the film however this would also have the knock on effects of making the films smaller problems now seem larger as we'd have alot more time to really focus on them but I will admit that this film really does have some really good pacing to it tho.

So now then as this is an action film that means that I have to actually talk about the actual action that's actually featured / presented to us in this very film well then in all honesty I in all honesty personally thought / felt that the actual action that's actually featured / presented to us in this very film was in all honesty really good. With this films action being just as over the top as you'dd both expect and want from a Pierce Brosnan James Bond film as that's one of the things that his James Bond films were really known and that is something that this film truly does deliver on with us getting some really over the top and fun action scenes that are still exciting to watch all of these years later and while yes we have gotten better action scenes in more modern action films none of them are just as fun to watch as the ones that we got in this very film in my freaking opinions anyways / at least.

Overall this film is exactly what it looks like that it is as it's just a fun filled action film and when there's so much dark and gritty action films out there right now sometimes all you need and want is a fun filled action film in my freaking opinions anyways / at least. Now then i've talked about all of the good and as well as all of the bad things that are in this very film in this very review and as such that means that this very film earns itself an grand old score of exactly a 6.5 out of 10 from me.

Now then as for where I personally got all of the images that I personally used in this very review well then boys and girls and as well as ladies and gentlemen I personally got all of the images that I personally used in this very film from the official James Bond fandom wiki page , IMP Awards . Com and Google Images. With my personal favorite website to use to get the images that I used in this very review being the official James Bond fandom wiki page just simply due to the fact that pretty much all of the images that are featured / presented to us and are currently up and also on the official James Bond fandom wiki page are all fairly high quality and as well as being fairly high definition and well then boys and girls just freaking like James Bond I will return.


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