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James Bond 25 Title Revealed

So then Bond fans after what I can only describe as a very lack luster announcement live stream earlier on in the year and a very troubled production we now have some very good news. I will admit that I thought that they would announce the name of the movie when the first teaser for the film dropped like what Marvel did with Avengers: Endgame but low and behold that's not the case but that wasn't the only bit information that was released.

We also got the plot for the film which is "In BOND 25 , Bond has left active service and is enjoying a tranquil life in Jamaica.  His peace is short-lived when his old friend Felix Leiter from the CIA turns up asking for help. The mission to rescue a kidnapped scientist turns out to be far more treacherous than expected, leading Bond onto the trail of a mysterious villain armed with dangerous new technology." 

I'll admit that I had to do a bit of editing there because the name of the film was in the synopsis and well I want to give you guys a proper reveal to that but in terms of what I think about the plot so far it does sound pretty interesting I think Bond being retired could be an interesting angle for the franchise even if it's just for the pre-title sequence and it does lend some credibility that Lashana Lynch's Nomi will be taking over the code of 007.

No i'm not going to give you guys the title just yet because we did get both the UK and International release dates for the film as well as which company will be distributing the film. In America the film comes out on April 8th 2020 and will be distributed by MGM through their United Artists banner and in the UK the film comes about out a week earlier on April 3rd and will be distributed by new partners Universal Pictures.

In all honesty I have no idea how I feel about Universal handling the film for the UK since that's where I live and i've always seen the films when MGM and Columbia were distributing them. So for me going into the first screening and seeing the Universal logo appear at the start is going to be weird to say the least it'll be like when people went into The Force Awakens and the Disney logo appeared at the start instead of the 20th Century Fox logo.

Now onto the main event of the evening the name of the movie has been revealed (duh why else would you click on this post) and i'll admit that I never saw this coming infact when I first saw the article on I thought they were going to be listing some tabloid newspaper like The Sun or the News Of The World. Luckily tho they didn't infact all I needed to see that it was official was the video that they embedded because that video came from the official James Bond 007 Youtube channel.

So the name of the movie is......................................NO TIME TO DIE to me that is such a better title then Shatterhand which was the working title for the film and I believe it was one of the many rumoured titles as well. To me a good James Bond title should leave you wondering what it means and it should feel very bondian and that's what this title does on both accounts in my opinion because it does make me wonder what the hell it means and it does feel like a James Bond title and I just love that they revealed it in a very nice looking video as well which I will leave in this post as well.

I will admit out of all the titles that they could have gone with this isn't one that i'd thought of and i'm glad of that because now like the rest of you I get to speculate on what it means. I even posted this picture on several Facebook groups and as of this writing the response to the title is very positive which for me is always a good thing because James Bond fans can be very picky when it comes to these sorts of things.



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