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My Top 10 James Bond Films

James Bond fans it's been a short while since we last had a nice long chat and well to be honest i have no reason why that's the case other then the fact i've been busy writing other things. This is something that i've been sitting on for a about a day or two just because I was busy writing a none James Bond review and that meant pushing this post back but i'm doing now and well i'm going to tell you my personal top 10 James Bond films and no i'm not going to list the every film in a future post because that would be insane and i'm only including the films produced by EON Productions and just to make things clear number 10 means it's very bad and the further up you go the better the films become.

10) Die Another Day

Now this and number 9 are pretty much tied for the worst James Bond film but what tips it in this film's favour is the fact that this film in my opinion fails as an anniversary film. Not only that but it also hits you over the head with the references. Pretty much everyone who's seen this film knows why it's bad and yeah there all right there's really nothing more I can say about this film that hasn't already been said.

9) Quantum Of Solace

Like I said in the previous entry this is tied with Die Another Day but what makes this film go here instead of rock bottom is the fact that it's not really that entertaining. Everything about this film screams boring heck I doubt that people even remember the plot to this movie on top of that the editing for the film is so freaking fast any action scene can have up to several cuts and it just makes it really confusing as to what's going on.

8) On Her Majesty's Secret Service

This was the first and only film to feature George Lazenby as James Bond and so I can't really be that harsh on the film since no actor gets a perfect debut James Bond film. That being said tho I feel that this film would have been better if Sean was playing just due to that iconic ending I feel it would have been better served if it was his Bond just because we know and care more about his version of the character but it's still a solid ending and a solid film.

7) Thunderball

Again like Quantum this film is just boring but it's higher then Quantum due to the awesomeness that is Fiona Volpe. She in my opinion saves this film and that's a hard thing to do given that it's Sean Connery as Bond and he usually knocks it out of the park but even he is let down by the bad and really drawn out under water scenes but it is a pretty good film in parts and there is some fun to be had with this film that's if you can keep awake during huge portions of the film.

6) You Only Live Twice

Now i'm thinking about taking another look at this film so I won't go into that much detail here but I will say that it a fairly entertaining film. While I can see why people wouldn't like it because there is alot to hate about this film but at the same time in my opinion this film is alot better then Thunderball just due to the fact it's not boring for huge portions of the film and that for me is big plus in any James Bond.

5) Diamonds Are Forever

Out of all of the later Sean Connery official Bond films this is perhaps the most fun just everything about this film just screams fun in my opinion. For me one of the most important things about a James Bond film is that it's fun and that's what this film is. I know this is going to sound weird and odd as all hell but this film is very reminiscent of the early Roger Moore films that it has Bond assaulting a woman but it also has the over the top comedy that that era of films would become known for.

4) The Man with the Golden Gun / The Spy Who Loved Me / Moonraker  

I honestly couldn't decide which Roger Moore bond film to put here because I have a fondness for all three of the above films so I just grouped them all together. I know that alot of Bond fans don't really like Moonraker but I honestly find it enjoyable but in a campy kind of way and I like Golden Gun due to how well acted the film is and the same goes for The Spy Who Loved Me and this was the hardest film to find any kind of placement for.

Dr. No / From Russia With Love

Again this one was hard to place because both Dr. No and From Russia With Love are both really good films. I have a feeling that alot of this film is going to be multiple films in one spot from now just because I honestly do like alot of the Bond films and i'm telling you know that while I do like Pierce I think that his best films don't really match up the best films in this half of the list but yeah both of these films are really good spy films not just good James Bond films.

2) Skyfall / Casino Royale

Ok I was joking about the rest of the film just being multiple films but honestly this is how it's looking but that just goes to show you how good those two films are. These aren't just good James Bond films but there really good films in general and it's not often that I get to say that plus Casino has Eva Green and we all know that whatever she's in is always pure gold and this was a good reboot for the James Bond film character.

1) Goldfinger

Is it any surprise that this film is at number 1 i've said how good it was several times and proclaimed my love for the film at every possible chance. For me this is THE Bond film it has the gadgets , it has the now famous Q branch scene it honestly has everything that you love the in the bond films and i'm shocked that Bond fans don't like this film that much and often prefer Skyfall to this masterpiece of a film.

Guys and girls that was my personal top 10 list of James Bond films and I know what your thinking and i've not included any of Tim's films because i've not seen them in a long time and so it wouldn't be fair of me to do so. I will be getting to reviewing more Bond films in the future but since I don't have a schedule for these posts I can't honestly say when the James Bond related post will be it might be tomorrow it might be next month or next year so you'll just have to bare with me.  



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