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My First Impressions Of 007: Road To A Million

  There have been tons of James Bond films and dozens of James Bond video games yet there has been one corner of entertainment that the James Bond franchise is yet to conquer. That being the world of TV yes there was the James Bond Jr. animated series but as that never really lasted long and wasn't an official production it's not really worth counting well now there is an official James Bond themed TV show out and well you all just knew that I had to check out this show really the very first chance that I got and so then join me as I give you my first impressions of the show that really doesn't use the James Bond licence very well with the show in question being called simply just "007: Road To A Million" enjoy. The idea behind this show is that nine couples have to compete in several chances for a chance to earn there fair share of nine million pounds. Now then interms of what I personally thought / felt about the actual idea that's actually featured / presen

Goldfinger Film Review

  James Bond is the franchise that will never die as there will always be someone out there willing to reboot these iconic films and try again. As iconic as alot of these films in someway shape or form there is none that is more iconic then the film that i'm about to review for you all today as this film is the quintessential James Bond film and is the film that alot of people think of when they think of the James Bond franchise as this film really is just that iconic and so then join me as I review the film that set the gold standard for all of the other James Bonds to follow it with the film in question being called simply just "Goldfinger" enjoy. The plot of this film is James Bond is tasked with stopping the psychopathic Auric Goldfinger from contaminating the gold in Fort Knox. Now then interms of what I personally thought / felt about the actual plot that's actually featured / presented to us in this very film well then in all honesty I in all honesty personally

My Own Personal Top 10 EON Productions James Bond Films Ranked From Worst To Best

  Ranking films always promises to be hard task and it's one that alot us like myself love doing for our favorite franchises. As i'm a huge James Bond fan I thought that it was about time that I did a ranking of some of the James Bond films I say some as doing all twenty five films would be incredibly hard work so to make it easier on myself i'm only ten of them and i'm only including the ones that have been produced by EON Productions and so then join me as I give you all my personal top 10 EON Productions James Bond films which are all ranked from worst to best enjoy. 10) Die Another Day Yeah this film was always going to be at the bottom of this film just because it's a perfect example of how the Pierce Brosnan era went downhill and fast. With the film having an over-reliance on gadgets and CGI to the point where the film becomes laughable and not in the good way and this does hinder what was a really solid era for the James Bond films as now whenever people thin

You Only Live Twice Film Review

  Everyone has that one film that they keep on coming on back to just for the sake of sake of watching an enjoyable film. Well then for me the film that i'm about to review for all today is one of those films as this is a film that is just pure fun and is a film that you can put on on a lazy Sunday afternoon and just enjoy it for what it is and so then join me as I review the film that was originally the final ever official James Bond film to feature Sir Sean Connery in the role of James Bond with the film in question being called simply just "You Only Live Twice" enjoy. The plot of this film is when an American spacecraft is stolen midflight it's up to James Bond to find who stole the spacecraft before the Americans start a war with the Russians. Now then interms of what I personally thought / felt about the actual plot that's actually featured / presented to us in this very film well then in all honesty I in all honesty personally thought / felt that the actual